As of yesterday’s meeting, Medina County Fiber Network (MCFN) is in the process of putting together one Memorandum of Understanding between them and LMRE and another between them and the Medina Port Authority to bring high-speed internet to Litchfield Township.
According to Medina County Commissioner Steve Hambley:
Medina Fiber plans to start work at the beginning of January 2022.
They will work through the winter; weather will not be an issue.
MCFN estimates it will take 2 years to get every household on the network.
In the meantime, last night’s meeting identified 4 steps to a January 2022 start:
MCFN engineers must finalize the network design to incorporate all 6 Medina townships affected.
MCFN engineers must finalize the fiber cable sizes and counts needed for the project.
LMRE must decide on all the pole attachments needed.
By the end of December, the Litchfield Township Trustees will vote to pass a resolution to authorize the spending of money from our ARPA grant to be a part of this project.
MCFN will then build the backbone of the cable network to cut through the county. Then they will build the distribution lines for each street. Last, they will connect each household to these distribution lines.
NOTE: I have asked Steve Hambley to attend a special Litchfield Town Hall meeting in the next few weeks to answer all of your questions and address any concerns. Please check here and on the Litchfield Township website ( for the date and time. In the meantime, feel free to call me at (330) 591-5397 with any questions or attend any Trustee meeting the 4th Monday of each month at 6 pm at the Litchfield Town Hall.