Litchfield Train Station located north of Stone Road & east of Route 83

Litchfield Train Station located north of Stone Road & east of Route 83
Litchfield Township History
A small town with a big heart
Litchfield Township was originally part of the Western Reserve, a tract of land King George II promised to the Colony of Connecticut in 1662.
Just after the war of 1812, an eastern land speculator and Puritan named Judge Uriel Holmes, Jr. of Litchfield, Connecticut bought the land in this area. Although records are scarce, it seems no one settled permanently in the territory at that time, even though he built three roads, including Smith Road. When no one claimed the land, its ownership reverted back to the state of Connecticut and was later set apart as No. 3, Range 16.
The dwellings of the Wyandot Indians were seen along Center Creek as late as 1822, but they eventually moved to other lands as the newcomers to Litchfield and Liverpool vied for the wild game. No traces of them were found by the first settlers of Litchfield Township.
Official settlement of this area began in February of 1830, when Cyrus Cook of Connecticut, his wife and child built a brush hut on the north part of the township land. That May, a group of Connecticut farmers and their families arrived; they had purchased or traded for tracts of land. These were our first settlers. In more recent history, the township was known for dairy production, specifically cheese. The term Western Reserve lives on in such institutions as Western Reserve Academy and Case Western Reserve.
And thus begins the story of our township.
Works Cited
Perrin, William Henry and JH Battle. History of Medina County and Ohio: Containing a History of the State of Ohio, from Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Chicago: Baskin & Battey. 1881. EPUB file.
Wikipedia contributors. “Litchfield, Ohio.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 14 Mar. 2017. Web. 25 May. 2017.
Litchfield Township Historical Society

Greetings from
the Litchfield Historical Society of Ohio!
March 2022 Update:
The Society has served as steward for Litchfield's heritage in many ways over the years since it organized in 1984. A 501(c)(3) all-volunteer, nonprofit organization, we strive to disseminate knowledge and stimulate interest in the history and heritage of rural Litchfield and the surrounding area. We operate the Litchfield Historical Museum and maintain a collection of books, written archives, and photos related to Litchfield.
Click here to print out a pdf of our upcoming dates and our Membership Form, and please share with a friend!
Click here for PDF copies of our prior meetings.
Litchfield Historical Society Upcoming Events:
New this year, we have been able to resume regular weekly open hours starting April through November:
Every 1st Sunday of the month - 1 to 3pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend any of these events, meetings, or open hours:
April General Meeting: Monday, April 17th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm at the museum
May General Meeting: Monday, May 15th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm at the museum
Please check the Litchfield Township Events page or the Litchfield Township Historical Society’s Facebook page for upcoming events as we are able to bring them back.

About Us
Inspired by the township’s 150th anniversary in 1981, a group of dedicated residents decided to record the history and tell the story of Litchfield Township. This resulted in the beautiful and informative hardbound book, The Story of Litchfield, Ohio.
The society was organized by this same hardworking group and was incorporated in 1984. A 501(c) nonprofit organization, we strive to disseminate knowledge and stimulate interest in the history and heritage of Litchfield and the surrounding area. We operate the Litchfield Historical Museum and maintain a collection of archives and photos. It was the Society that brought us the current gazebo at the Litchfield Circle Park, built to resemble the original wood gazebo from the 1900s.
The Society has served as steward for Litchfield’s heritage in many ways over the years. We also provide community and educational events and programs relevant to the township. Some of our recent events include hosting the Township Candidates Night, the annual Christmas program and Memorial Day service, participating in the Medina County Fall Foliage Tour and more.
Museum & Collections
One of the oldest landmarks of Litchfield was the general store and home located on the southeast corner of Routes 18 and 83 on the Litchfield Circle. Built in 1846, the Greek Revival style of the house was common to the many small farmhouses that sprouted up around Medina County throughout the 19th century.
The old store building was torn down about 1978, and in 1999, the township purchased the home. They contracted with the Historical Society to restore the house to its original style, and it has been home to the museum ever since. It is furnished with artifacts and memorabilia depicting the history of the township and its people.
Join or Donate to the Society
Anyone interested in the past, present, and future of Litchfield is welcome to join as a member or to attend our meetings as a guest. We welcome people of all ages, walks of life and varied interests. All general meetings and programs are free and open to the public. Annual membership dues are only $5 a year.
Historical Society Memorabilia & Attire for Purchase
The Story of Litchfield, Ohio hardbound book: $10. This beautiful and informative book covers the history of Litchfield Township from 1831 through 1994. It also includes a separate map of our township as of 1994. A must-have for anyone interested in our township and our past.
Shirts with our new logo are available:
Grey or Burnt Orange
T-shirts - $10 (Member cost $7)
Polos - $20 (Member cost $16)
Meetings are the third
Monday of each month, typically
March through November at 7 pm,
either at the museum or Town Hall.
Please check the Litchfield Township Upcoming Events for meeting info, or call Heather Davis anytime at 330-421-3868. We are always looking for new ideas and fresh perspectives.
Click here for PDF copies of our prior meetings.
As an independent nonprofit organization, we rely on dues, donations and fundraising. The Society also collects Litchfield-related memorabilia, archives and photos.
Contact Us or Visit
The museum is located on the southeast corner of the Litchfield Circle in Litchfield, Ohio. For 2019, the museum will be open for limited hours due to building and museum improvements. Still, access to the museum and its collections are always available upon request.
Litchfield Historical Society & Museum
9268 Norwalk Road
Litchfield, OH 44253
Tours available on request.
Email: litchfieldstory@yahoo.com
Phone: Heather Davis, LHS President: 330-421-3868