Voting Next Monday, January 24, 2022 at 6:30 pm | Town Hall |
The public is welcome to attend.
It’s time to move forward with getting high-speed fiber in Litchfield!
Medina County Commissioner Steve Hambley and David Corrado, CEO of Medina County Fiber Network, will attend the Litchfield Trustee’s meeting next Monday, January 24, 6:30 pm at the Town Hall. They will bring with them the contract resolution between Medina County Fiber Network and Litchfield Township.
That night, the Litchfield Trustees will vote on two items:
Whether to approve of the resolution and to sign it.
And (if they approve) to agree on how much American Rescue Plan (ARPA) grant money to allocate to this project.
You are all welcome to join us at the meeting and ask questions. Please note that the Trustee meetings are now at 6:30 pm.
As always, you’re also welcome to call Trustee Dennis Horvath at (330) 591-5397 with any questions.